
Official Launch of Umuzi Drama Series


Official Launch of Umuzi Drama Series

 UMUZI AUDIO DRAMA SERIES:  it is the audio drama series initiated by HAPPY FAMILY RWANDA ORGANIZATION (HFRO) Broadcasting on Rwanda Broadcasting Agency (RBA), B&B FM UMWEZI, for behavior change communication for empowering women, Girls, adolescents and young people to address health challenges and the root cause of GBV, Early unwanted pregnancy and HIV that demand immediate attention and collective effort from all members of society.  The country of Rwanda has made significant strides in economic development, women empowerment, Gender equality and social progress. The prestige challenges of teenage pregnancies, Gender based violence and HIV. In the context of Rwandan society, where community values, unity, and family cohesion are deeply embedded. 

Umuzi drama series

Rwanda, having emerged from a history marked by the Genocide against Tutsi being a human capital-based economy, places immense importance on the well-being of its citizens and invest in women empowerment, Gender equality and empowering Girls. Despite remarkable achievement in past years, this issue of GBV, teenage pregnancies and HIV remains a challenge to the collective conscience of national and vision of the country.  

2. The Official Launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Rational is grounded on the following key factors:

  • Community – centric approach:  Rwandan culture places a strong emphasis on community and collective responsibility and by engaging communities directly, the campaign seeks to tap into these shared values, promotion a sense of duty towards the family welfare.
  • Cultural power of music and theatre: music and theatre holds a special place in Rwandan culture, services as a medium for storytelling, expression and knowledge transfer. By incorporating awareness theatre, and song we aim to create an inspiration to the audience, inspiring them to actively participate towards the awareness objective. 
  • Government commitment: Rwanda’s to sustainable development is reflected in its policies, strategies and other interventions. By collaborating with key ministries and public institutions, the ministry of gender family promotion (MIGEPROF), the Gender monitoring office (GMO), Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC), Ministry of Health and (MOH) will lead this activity to demonstrate the commitment.
  • Social-Economic Transformation: Equity Bank Rwanda Plc to help the lives transformation, by giving dignity and expanding opportunities for wealth creation, and be the Champion of Social-economic prosperity by offering integrated financial services that socially and economically empower communities. 

3. Objective of official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series: 

  • The general objective of Umuzi Audio Drama Series is to raise awareness, understanding within the communities regarding the causes and consequences and raise engagement call for action in addressing the issue of GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV. 

4. Target population of official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series:

  • This activity targets mainly mobilizing and empowering communities, families, parents and local leaders to actively participate in addressing the root causes related to GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV. 

5. Expected results of official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series: 

  • Increased awareness and understanding of the root causes and consequences of GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV.
  • Triggered active community engagement and collaboration of communities, families, parents, and local leaders in addressing the issues related to GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV.
  • Initiated advocacy efforts and adolescent mother’s reintegration process.
  • Social-Economic transformation and resilience through mindset change.

6.  Road map of official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series: 

S/N Activities   Responsible  Time frame 
1 Pre - launch preparation.  HFRO and Partners. 4th/1/2024 -20th /1/2024.
2 Official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series. HFRO and partners. 8th /2/2024. 
3 Broadcasting Umuzi Audio Drama Series on Radio’s.  RBA, B&B FM.  9th /2/2024 - 9th /2/2025. 
Community Mobilization and engagement.   HFRO & Partners  1st /3/2024 - 30th /3/2024 

7.  Partners  

The success official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series relies on collaboration with key stakeholders. We propose partnerships between:

  •  MOH
  •  UNDP 
  •  Equity Bank Rwanda Plc
  •  VSO 
  •   RBA
  •  B&B FM
  •  GMO
  •  RBC
  •  CSO’s
  • KASHA 

8.  Venue 

  • The official launch of Umuzi Audio Drama Series will take place at Gisagara district of southern province. 

9.  Methodology: 

  • Arts in terms of theatre and music: we will use live performance of artists in the field of theatre and music for disseminating key message on GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV to the audience.  
  • Speech presentation of the special guests:  the special guests will deliver key message to the audience related to GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), HIV, and solutions to eradicate the route cause which is poverty. 
  • Questions and awarding: after playing theatre and music performance we will ask questions the audience related to GBV, Early Unwanted Pregnancies (EUP), and HIV in order to know what they learn from theatre and music performance then we provide awards to the best performers. 

10.  Participants: 


S/N Participants  Institution 
1 Line ministries  MIGEPROF, MINEDUC, MINALOC, and MOH.
2 Government institutions  RBC, GMO, RNP, RDF, DASSO, RIB, ISANGE ONE STOP CENTRE.
3 Local government  Southern province, Districts, Sectors, and cells 
5 Privet Sector Equity Bank Rwanda Plc, KASHA
6 Civil society organizations ( CSO’s) RWACHI, EDC, CHB, LWD, RICH, YWCA, Transparency International.
7 Faith based Organizations (FBO’s) Religious, churches. 
8 International Organizations ( INGO’s) Plan international, Trocaire, Care International, VSO. 
Date: 2024-03-22
Time: 16:00
Location: Bugesera Stadium